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Indian Buff Marrow Bones
Marrow bones refer to bones that contain marrow, typically from the legs or shanks of beef or veal. They are known for their rich, gelatinous marrow inside the bone, which can be roasted and scooped out to spread on toast or used in soups and stews to add depth of flavor. Marrow bones are prized for their savory taste and are often considered a delicacy in various culinary traditions.
Marrow bones refer to bones that contain marrow, typically from the legs or shanks of beef or veal. They are known for their rich, gelatinous marrow inside the bone, which can be roasted and scooped out to spread on toast or used in soups and stews to add depth of flavor. Marrow bones are prized for their savory taste and are often considered a delicacy in various culinary traditions.
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