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Black Pomfret
Black Pomfret

Black Pomfret

QR50.0 /kg

Black Pomfret, also known as the Black Banded Pomfret (Parastromateus niger), is a popular fish in various cuisines, particularly in Asian and Middle Eastern dishes. It is valued for its distinctive flavor and texture.

### Black Pomfret: An Overview

Black Pomfret, also known as the Black Banded Pomfret (Parastromateus niger), is a popular fish in various cuisines, particularly in Asian and Middle Eastern dishes. It is valued for its distinctive flavor and texture.

#### Key Points About Black Pomfret:

- **Species**: The Black Pomfret belongs to the family Bramidae and is distinguished by its dark coloration and distinctive body shape. It is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Indian Ocean and parts of the western Pacific Ocean.

- **Flavor and Texture**: Black Pomfret has a mild, slightly sweet flavor with a firm, flaky texture. The flesh is white and tender, making it suitable for a variety of cooking methods.

- **Culinary Uses**: Black Pomfret is versatile and can be prepared in several ways, including grilling, steaming, frying, and baking. It is often used in dishes such as grilled Black Pomfret with spices, steamed fish with soy sauce, and fried fish in a crisp batter. Its firm texture holds up well to various cooking methods.

- **Nutritional Value**: Black Pomfret is a good source of high-quality protein and provides essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins (like vitamin B12 and vitamin D), and minerals (including selenium and phosphorus). It is generally low in fat and calories, making it a healthy seafood choice.

- **Sustainability**: The sustainability of Black Pomfret populations can vary depending on fishing practices and regional management. It is important to choose Black Pomfret that is sourced from sustainable fisheries or aquaculture operations to support responsible fishing practices and protect marine ecosystems.

- **Health Considerations**: Black Pomfret is considered safe and healthy to eat. However, like all seafood, it should be sourced from clean, regulated environments to avoid contaminants. It is also recommended to consume seafood in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

### Summary

Black Pomfret is a flavorful fish with a firm, flaky texture, making it suitable for a variety of culinary preparations. It offers a nutritious source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals. Sustainable sourcing practices are important to ensure the long-term health of Black Pomfret populations and protect marine environments.

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